# Development


The following is only necessary if you want to contribute features to EagerPy. As a user of EagerPy, you can just do a normal installation.

# Installation

First clone the repsository using git:

git clone https://github.com/jonasrauber/eagerpy

You can then do an editable installation using pip -e:

cd eagerpy
pip3 install -e .


Create a new branch for each new feature or contribution. This will be necessary to open a pull request later.

# Coding Style

We follow the PEP 8 Style Guide for Python Code (opens new window). We use black (opens new window) for automatic code formatting. In addition, we use flake8 (opens new window) to detect certain PEP 8 violations.


Have a look at the Makefile. It contains many useful commands, e.g. make black or make flake8.

# Type annotions and MyPy

EagerPy uses Python type annotations introduced in PEP 484 (opens new window). We use mypy (opens new window) for static type checking with relatively strict settings. All code in EagerPy has to be type annotated.

We recommend to run MyPy or a comparable type checker automatically in your editor (e.g. VIM) or IDE (e.g. PyCharm). You can also run MyPy from the command line:

make mypy  # run this in the root folder that contains the Makefile


__init__ methods should not have return type annotations unless they have no type annotated arguments (i.e. only self), in which case the return type of __init__ should be specifed as None.

# Creating a pull request on GitHub

First, fork the EagerPy repository on GitHub (opens new window). Then, add the fork to your local GitHub repository:

git remote add fork https://github.com/YOUR USERNAME/eagerpy

Finally, push your new branch to GitHub and open a pull request.

# Release Process

EagerPy currently follows a rapid release process. Whenever non-trivial changes have been made, the documentation and tests have been updated, and all tests pass, a new version can be released. To reduce the barrier, this is simply done by creating a new release on GitHub. This automatically triggers a GitHub Action (opens new window) that builds the package and publishes the new version on the Python Package Index PyPI (opens new window). The latest version can thus be simply installed using pip: